
Articles/Resources used in Cerebral Palsy for Bronchial Desobstruction at Therapeutic Riding.

Resources used in Cerebral Palsy for Bronchial Desobstruction at Therapeutic Riding.

It  has been proved that during the therapeutic horseback riding interventions, the client’s centre of gravity shifts during the activity. Movements in all three planes (flexion/extension in the sagital plane, lateral flexion in the frontal plane, and rotation in the transverse plane) resulting from the horseback riding adjustment, increase inputs to the CNS.


Most of the Cerebral Palsy patients present not only development delay but also disorders on the muscle tone, strength, postural alignment and balance, further  presence of atypical  patterns, which develop asymmetric posture. Due to incompetence to maintain the postural and movements quality, mechanical alterations burgeon in the trunk and abdomen  taking  ventilatory disturbs and pulmonary diseases.

Physical therapy intervention by Therapeutic Riding in Cerebral Palsy patients is mainly indicated in cases of excessive pulmonary secretions or atelectasis. Consequently, physical therapy interventions may improve gas exchange and reverse pathological progression.
Therefore, the objective of the present study was to determine the effect that thoracic and abdominal muscle re-education has on respiratory muscle strength in CP patients.


The patients were submitted to one 30-minute sessions of thoracic and abdominal muscle re-education per week for a period of four months. The sessions consisted mainly of the following: appropriate positioning; passive, active and active-assisted stretching of respiratory muscles and general muscles; respiratory muscle and general muscle strengthening; thoracic and abdominal strapping; and myofascial release techniques.
The study used the pulmonary auscultation findings as a measure before and after the therapeutic session as well as  mensuration of the respiratory rate.

The study sample consisted of 6 patients, and, of those, 3 were female. Mean age in the study sample was  ± 5 years, ranging from  years 8 to 3 years old.


This study showed us the improvement of cough pressure to expel the mucus and the reduction of lung infections as well as in the numbers of admission in intensive care units.


1. Souchard, Philippe; O Diafragma – Ed. Summus, 1989
2. Pinheiro, Mariangela; Reequilíbrio Toracoabdominal – Atualização em Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica – Ed. Interlivros, 1996
3. Edwards R. H. T., Faulkner J.; Structure and function of the respiratory muscles: The thorax, part A, New York, Marcel Dekker, 1986
4. Umphred, Darcy Ann; Fisioterapia Neurológica – Ed. Manole, 1994

Dra.Mylena Medeiros  (Fisioterapeuta)

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